to Microsensys

Let's talk about it!
Because your task also deserves a perfect solution.

Reinhard Jurisch
by microsensys
<p>- Managing Director -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Reinhard Jurisch senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-598740" rel="nofollow" title="Reinhard Jurisch anrufen">+49 361 59874 0</a></p>
Peter Peitsch
by microsensys
<p>- Managing Director Technology -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Peter Peitsch senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-598740" rel="nofollow" title="Peter Peitsch anrufen">+49 361 59874 0</a></p>
Sylvo Jäger
by microsensys
<p>- CEO -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Sylvo Jäger senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-5987415" rel="nofollow" title="Sylvo Jäger anrufen">+49 361 59874 15</a></p>
Susett Hucke-Schleicher
by microsensys
<p>- Accounting &amp; Human Resources -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Susett Hucke senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-5987418" rel="nofollow" title="Susett Hucke anrufen">+49 361 59874 18</a></p>
Sandra Dittmar
by microsensys
<p>- Purchase Department -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Sandra Dittmar senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-5987418" rel="nofollow" title="Sandra Dittmar anrufen">+49 361 59874 18</a></p>
Corina Schnee
by microsensys
<p>- Manager Controlling -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Corina Schnee senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-598740" rel="nofollow" title="Corina Schnee anrufen">+49 361 59874 0</a></p>
Marco Beisler
by microsensys
<p>- Sales Assistant -&nbsp;</p>
<p><a href="" title="Send e-mail to Macro Beisler"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-5987441" title="Call Marco Beisler">+49 361 59874 41</a></p>
Norman Krämer
by microsensys
<p>- Head of Sales &amp;&nbsp;Marketing -</p>
<p><a href="" title="E-Mail an Norman Krämer senden"></a></p>
<p>Fon: <a href="tel:+49-361-59874-42" title="Norman Grabowski anrufen">+49 361 59874 42</a></p>

Get in contact with us!

microsensys GmbH
make things wireless

In der Hochstedter Ecke 2
D-99098 Erfurt

Fon:  +49 361 59874 0
Fax:  +49 361 59874 17

For general inquiries

In case of technical issues

For inquiries about orders